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BONSAI NIGHT VII – 2017 August 5th

This year as well we could not miss the traditional meeting at the BONSAI NIGHT…. from sunset until sunrise we met in my workshop to work our trees, have fun and have a meal together. From 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. doing what we like to do. The recipe is always the same….the most simple: good friends, bonsai, and the desire to share our passion in joy…. in the silence of the night! A heartfelt thanks to all the friends who participated!

“Very chic” Cupressus Sempervirens

Only who has known Mario knows that “Very chic” is not a self-celebration quote of this tree but a routine phrase (almost a catchphrase!) he used to repeat. Today Mario is not here anymore, but his memory is very much alive in me. Precisely for this reason I have decided to call this cypress “Very chic”!…in his honor! This cypress tree, which was his property, became part of my collection last year. A simple tree, but with a lovely feature: the presence of a double trunk. After a year of cultivation and free growth, I decided to work on it during the competition for instructors in Arcobonsai. Here is the cypress seen 360°: Front / Back     Right Side / Left Side   Closeups Gentle movements but also some small rigidity which I will try to correct tilting it, the creation of some shari and the correct positioning of the branches.   The strong vegetation guarantees an adequate state of health.   And now, let’s rock and roll! For this work I was joined by a very dear friend: Gimmi Maccioni. He is at his first experience in a work of this kind. I wish him the best of […]

Dress redux for a Juniperus var.Formosana turned into Juniperus var.Itoigawa

I decided to wait several years before styling this Formosana juniper (commonly known as Taiwanese juniper) grafted with a Juniperus chinensis var. itoigawa. The juniper came into my collection in 2006 as a prize at the KOKORO-NO BONSAI TEN exhibition in Naples. It is a tree with a beautiful trunk up to about half of its height, then ending with a very thick cylindrical section. The vegetation is strong and this witness the perfect health condition of the bonsai. Here is the juniper from the four sides:   The trunk has a nice movement in the first section and the nebari includes a woody appendage that represents what remains of a second plant that no longer exists.   Every tree that enters my garden is properly cultivated and prepared for at least one year before  styling. At the beginning of 2008, in view of a workshop, I carry out the preliminary operations: cleaning the bark and the vegetation, highlighting the dry parts and creating new shari. The juniper is ready to be worked:   Detail of the dry wood and shari:   The decision is drastic: cut all the upper part in order to lower the plant and eliminate the […]


The juniper chinensis owned by the company CHIANTI BONSAI of our friend Luigi Daddi has been a lovely occasion for a refinement work in march 2017. The bonsai is about 40 cm high and has already  shown the signs of age: the size of the branches, the living vein already swollen and outlined clearly show this is a very good bonsai. Making bonsai does not always mean making “bends” or fill with wire all the branches. Sometimes the work may seem simple or insignificant, but it is not always so. This is the case of this juniper where, together with Luigi, we decided not to change the shape but to finish the foliage and the various details. Simple work (doesn’t mean easy). Perfecting a bonsai doeasn’t mean to exceed in wiring as this would give artificiality to the foliage. Instead I find it very stimulating to work the foliage with less wire as possible, some small pull or stroke of scissors. in this way the foliage is very soft and with a more natural bearing. Of course, such a process can be performed only if there is already an adequate and well-defined structure of the branches. Here is the plant […]

Bonsai trees stolen from FRANCHI BONSAI

Unfortunately another bonsai tree has been stolen from Franchi Bonsai in Pescia (PT). Despite some new security systems, in recent days has been stolen a specimen of Korean Hornbeam  (pot size cm.35×35 height cm.20). If someone has information about this, please contact us at 0572 429262. Korean hornbeam:   the theft of this latest bonsai is added to the long list of bonsai stolen in 2016. Below you can see some photos of the previously stolen specimens:   Acer Palmatum   Acer Palmatum   Acer Palmatum   Pinus pentaphilla   Juniperus chinensis   Juniperus chinensis   Juniperus chinensis   Juniperus chinensis Again, if anyone has any information  please contact us at 0572 429262.  

Juniperus Chinensis

This Juniperus Chinensis, courtesy of Franchi Bonsai, arrived in Italy in the beginning of year 2011. Before proceeding to do anything I prefer to let the bonsai vegetate freely for the whole season. In September of the same year, after an abundant growth, the plant is vigorous and very dense. It ‘s time for a work that restores the beauty of this bonsai. Here is how the bonsai looks like in September 2011 before working on it: Front/Back   Left Side/Right Side   The wood is cleaned and restored highlighting the movements, the patina….le “wrinkles”.   The vegetation has now filled every space and the foliage is shapeless and too thick. The first branch looks like a huge pad without the slightest space that shows the structure or details. We need to make more space!   The first thing to do is to clean up the vegetation. This allows us to study the structure of the tree and select the strongest and most vigorous vegetation. But we must go on with cleaning: this gives the chance to make all the apex replacements necessary to restore movement and taper to the wood of the branches. A bonsai so mature, very often, […]